Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dream, Dream, Dream...

      With the Gender Reveal Luau less than a month away, there has been a lot of talk surrounding the baby's sex.  I have heard so many "theories" surrounding how you can tell what the sex is.  It is funny how some people are so set on "it is definitely a boy" or "it is definitely a girl".  I really have no clue, haha.  But, I have heard over and over that if you dream about the baby, it is most likely the sex that it is in your dream.  I am sure that this is another theory that has been proven wrong before, but it is interesting because I have had not one, but two different dreams about the baby and it was the same sex each time. 

Dream #1: 
     Sometime in April I had a dream that I was in the hospital delivering the baby.  For whatever reason I did not know the sex of the baby before delivering.  The doctor immediately handed the baby to my Dad and my he walked into the hospital hallway with the baby.  I got out of the hospital bed and chased after my Dad.  I said, "Dad, wait!  I want to see what it is!"  He turned around and already had the baby in one of those baby backpacks hanging off of the front of his chest.  The baby was wrapped in a blanket, and all I could see was the face.  He opened the blanket and it was a baby boy dressed in blue.

Dream #2:
     Last night (6/2) I had another dream about the baby.  This time I decided to take my Mom with me to my OB check-up.  In my dream it was not time for the gender ultrasound, we were just going in to have Dr. Mazdai do a routine checkup.  We walk in and Dr. Mazdai asked me to lay on the bed so she can check the heartbeat.  I lay back, and the next thing you know she has the baby up on a screen like an ultrasound.  Dr. Mazdai says, "Oh, he is moving a lot!" and my Mom responds, "I knew it was a boy!!!"  I say, "Noooo, we weren't going to find out yet!  We're having a Gender Reveal Luau!"  haha!

    So, in both dreams it was a boy!  It will be very interesting if it really is!  It could just be a coincidence.  Thoughts, anyone?  I cannot wait to find out in less than a month!  P.S. my big craving this week is S'mores!  For 5 days straight I have been wanting them, so I just sent Kenny out to the store to buy me a Hershey bar, marshmallows and cinnamon graham crackers.  Yes, cinnamon...try it! Mmm, cannot wait! He is so good to me.

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