Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Announcement Photo Taken 04.25

     Initially, we were going to wait until after my 12 week appointment to make the announcement.  But Doctor Mazdai said that the chance of a miscarriage after hearing the heart beat goes down to 5% and she thinks that it is okay to tell everyone at 10 weeks.  This Saturday (April 28th) I will be 10 weeks, but I want to tell my boss before we begin spreading the news.  I have a good relationship with my boss, and the last thing that I want to do is have him find out through the grapevine and wonder if it is true, or why I did not tell him myself.  When I see him next week, I plan on having a chat with him about it and then spreading the word.  The only issue there is, I am not sure the next time I will see him face-to-face...especially without a lot of other people around. 
    Yesterday, my good friend Ashley who is a photographer (Ashley Nelson Photography) stopped by to take our announcement photo.  She is very close to having a baby herself, so it was super nice that she took the time to stop by our house (poor thing is at the miserable stage).  I cleaned up the kitchen, bought a bag of buns and used puffy paint to write " Mommy" and "Daddy" on chef aprons.  I put a hamburger bun on a cookie sheet, and she captured a shot of Kenny and I knelt down and putting the bun in the oven.  She got a nice shot!  Now, with her still busy working I just have to hope that she gets the photo uploaded before she goes into labor.  Otherwise, it won't be going out for a little longer. 
    We plan on sending the announcement out to about 50-100 of our family and friends.  Even to the ones who know the news... we figure it will be a nice photo for them to keep.  And, now that we have the gender ultrasound scheduled I am already planning the Gender Reveal Party.  Time is flying so far.  I cannot believe I am 10 weeks already.  It seems like yesterday we found out the exciting news ourselves!

The "Mommy" Apron

   Ashley did such a great job with the photo!  She has been great to our family with our various life events.  If you need anything in regards to photography I definitely suggest her!  She is located on the Westside of Indianapolis and does everything from family, to weddings, to engagements and Senior photos.  She took our engagement photos, some wedding photos, photographed my Grandma's retirement party and my parent's 25th wedding anniversary celebration.  I sure that I am forgetting something.  Thanks for being so amazing, Ashley! 
      Below is the announcement photo.  Initially Ashley and I were going to try to find a street sign that said, "Bump Ahead" to take the photo with.  But, we could not find one any where!  Everything that I found just said "Bump" or "Caution Bump".  I did not think that those would be appropriate.  So, I thought about it for awhile and I came up with the bun in the oven idea.  I am very happy with how they turned out!  30 weeks to go (and still no morning sickness...YAY!). 

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