Challenge #2:
Have a positive attitude each day, even when you do not feel like it. It is not uncommon for someone (stranger or not) to ask me why I am so happy. The truth is, I am not always happy or in a good mood...but I make a conscious effort to smile and be positive about things. Even so, it does not always work. This is a challenge that I believe can make a huge difference in the world, and that works as a nice domino effect. For example, if I choose to be happy and positive at work then my customer's are happier to work with me and become more loyal, my co-workers are glad to be working with me and in return the environment is better. I do not even need to go into detail about how studies show that people prefer to be around a positive person. It seems like a small and simple task, but consciously waking up on the right side of the bed takes effort. I am going to list a combination of things I currently do, and new things that I would like to start doing:
1) Be sure to get plenty of sleep.
If I do not get a good 7-8 hours of sleep it is MUCH more difficult to put on a smile. Less than 7 hours and I am pretty irritable. Sometimes a good night of sleep just is not an option, but not only is it best for your attitude...also your health!
2) Start your day on a positive note.
Develop a routine to set the tone for a great day. I personally like to play upbeat music to get my day going. I just turn the Pandora app on my phone to my Justin Timberlake or Carrie Underwood station and dance around as I get ready in my room. Laugh if you want, but it helps me! If dancing around in the morning is not your thing, consider taking a few minutes to read a positive quote, scripture or chapter of a book. Be sure you wake up with plenty of time to get ready so you do not feel rushed.
3) Spend some time on your appearance.
You may wonder what your appearance has to do with your attitude. Think about it this way... have you ever been sick and you laid around all day in your pajamas without combing your hair? Then you decide to clean yourself up to go out and you suddenly feel a little better? I know that it happens to me when I am sick. Even the simple act of putting on a little makeup can make me feel better. So, it works the same with your attitude. In my opinion, this also includes taking the time to get some physical activity in and eating right. When you look better, it makes you feel better.
4) Don't be "the complainer".
It seems as if everyone is always complaining about something. Make an effort not to complain. Instead, make an effort to improve whatever you are complaining about. My good friend Mark is one of the only people that I can think of who almost never complains. I believe that it is a great strength of his. This is one that I can definitely work on.
5) Be mindful of your internal dialogue.
Some may laugh about this, but I always say to remember The Little Engine That Could. You know the story... "I think I can, I think I can, I THINK I can!" Keep negative thoughts out of your mind. If you have trouble doing this in your head, try writing down some positive thoughts. Don't be so hard on yourself.
6) Surround yourself with positive people.
Think of a person that you always enjoy being around. It is likely that the person you are thinking of has a contagious positive attitude, or makes you feel good about yourself in some way. I can only think of a select few people who truly have a contagious positive attitude. Strive to be one of those people, and strive to be around those people because they will rub off on you. Sometimes you cannot avoid a person who is frequently complaining or negative. If you can, bring it to their attention in a kind way. If you cannot, do not feed their negative attitude. If you reply to complaints, attempt to reply with a positive comment.
7) Make someone's day.
It always feels good to do something nice for someone, whether the act is big or small. The other night we were very happy with the experience that we had with our waiter at Maggiano's. I took the time to make sure that management knows how great our experience was because of Oscar. Doing so made me feel good because I know that Oscar will receive positive praise and he will feel better about himself. It was a small act that took little effort, and it positively effected 2 people.
8) Find humor in the simplest things.
Having a good sense of humor goes a long way. I have always loved that about my Dad, and about Kenny too. If you aren't finding enough opportunities to laugh throughout the day watch a funny movie, look up a joke on your phone, or ask the person you are with to tell you a joke. Take the time to laugh about things that are out of your control. I seem to be very accident prone and have odd things happen to me. For example, while driving past a golf course the other day a golf ball came flying at my new car and scratched it. I was not happy about it, but all I could do is laugh. Take the time to laugh each day.
9) Always be grateful.
Recognizing how "rich" you are with all we have been blessed with will make you feel great. Take time each day to see how good you have it. If you aren't feeling that way, consider how hard things are for others. Things could always be worse.
10) Remember that life is short.
Another thing that seems so simple, but we must remind ourselves of. Sure, we all have a really bad day occasionally. But, don't allow it to happen too often. We only have one life to live and it will be more enjoyable for everyone if we all adopt a positive attitude.
I hope that you all find these tips useful. I am going to make an effort to be more positive this week, and every week moving forward. I would like to end with the serenity prayer, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference." Have a wonderful week, everyone! Feel free to share your progress with me!
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