Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dream, Dream, Dream...

      With the Gender Reveal Luau less than a month away, there has been a lot of talk surrounding the baby's sex.  I have heard so many "theories" surrounding how you can tell what the sex is.  It is funny how some people are so set on "it is definitely a boy" or "it is definitely a girl".  I really have no clue, haha.  But, I have heard over and over that if you dream about the baby, it is most likely the sex that it is in your dream.  I am sure that this is another theory that has been proven wrong before, but it is interesting because I have had not one, but two different dreams about the baby and it was the same sex each time. 

Dream #1: 
     Sometime in April I had a dream that I was in the hospital delivering the baby.  For whatever reason I did not know the sex of the baby before delivering.  The doctor immediately handed the baby to my Dad and my he walked into the hospital hallway with the baby.  I got out of the hospital bed and chased after my Dad.  I said, "Dad, wait!  I want to see what it is!"  He turned around and already had the baby in one of those baby backpacks hanging off of the front of his chest.  The baby was wrapped in a blanket, and all I could see was the face.  He opened the blanket and it was a baby boy dressed in blue.

Dream #2:
     Last night (6/2) I had another dream about the baby.  This time I decided to take my Mom with me to my OB check-up.  In my dream it was not time for the gender ultrasound, we were just going in to have Dr. Mazdai do a routine checkup.  We walk in and Dr. Mazdai asked me to lay on the bed so she can check the heartbeat.  I lay back, and the next thing you know she has the baby up on a screen like an ultrasound.  Dr. Mazdai says, "Oh, he is moving a lot!" and my Mom responds, "I knew it was a boy!!!"  I say, "Noooo, we weren't going to find out yet!  We're having a Gender Reveal Luau!"  haha!

    So, in both dreams it was a boy!  It will be very interesting if it really is!  It could just be a coincidence.  Thoughts, anyone?  I cannot wait to find out in less than a month!  P.S. my big craving this week is S'mores!  For 5 days straight I have been wanting them, so I just sent Kenny out to the store to buy me a Hershey bar, marshmallows and cinnamon graham crackers.  Yes, cinnamon...try it! Mmm, cannot wait! He is so good to me.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Strong Little Heartbeat

              It seems like yesterday I was in Dr. Mazdai's office for my initial 8 week checkup.  Today (5.23) I went for my second checkup at 13 weeks and 4 days.  I decided to take my Grandma Vatter with me because she is going to be taking care of the baby after I go back to work, and I knew that would mean  a lot to her.  It was a short, but sweet checkup.  The nurse checked my weight and my blood pressure, and she said that Dr. Mazdai would be in the room in a few minutes.  They are so nice at that office.  
           I wasn't sure if we would get to hear the heartbeat today because I heard that it could be too early without an ultrasound.  Dr. Mazdai entered the room smiling as always and she asked how I was feeling.  She told me that my tiredness should begin to go away anytime, usually between weeks 14 and 16.  Then she asked me to lay down so she could find the heartbeat.  I meant to take a voice note of the sound, but I almost forgot so I quickly pulled up the video camera on my cell phone and just pointed it to the floor.  I uploaded the video to YouTube so you guys can hear.  
            First you will hear my heartbeat, but then you will hear the baby's.  It is fast and strong.  I cannot resist smiling from ear-to-ear when I hear it.  It is reassuring to hear, and to know that everything is good.  And I love that Grandma was able to be there for it.  Click below to hear Baby G's heartbeat on 5/23 at 13 weeks and 4 days.

        Dr. Mazdai said that all of my numbers are good from the urine test, that I am gaining a healthy amount of weight and that the baby's heartbeat sounds perfect.  Thank you, Lord.  We are very blessed.  And we are super excited, because in just 5 weeks we will go for the gender ultrasound!  And Sunday, July 1st is our Gender Reveal Party.  Time is flying by!  
     P.S...if you could not hear what Doctor Mazdai said in the video, she said the baby's heartbeat is between 163 and 169.  So, if the heartbeat test is accurate, it will be a girl!  But my Grandma Vatter says it is a boy because it has a strong heartbeat.  I don't have a feeling that it is one sex over the other.  Kenny, my Dad, my Mom and my Grandma Vatter all seem to think it is a boy.  We will just have to wait and see!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Phantom Expense

     After squeezing into my pants for the past couple of weeks, I finally broke down and purchased a pair of black maternity pants for work.  By the end of my work day I just feel like unbuttoning my pants, but I cannot exactly do that at work.  I have been reaching out to friends that are moms to find out where they purchased their maternity wear.  Since the retailers know that these clothes are a necessity for moms-to-be, they aren't afraid to charge an arm and a leg.  Kenny and I drove to Target last night and I found some black pants for $35.  $35 is not that bad, but I think that is just a little high for Target.  When you're planning your baby budget, clothing for yourself is not one of the first things to come to mind.  This is why I am calling the mother's clothing a "Phantom Expense".
     I am almost 13 weeks now, so I guess it is time to start building my maternity wear collection.  From everything I read, this is about the time that a bump begins to show.  I see a bit of one, but to be honest I also just feel fat and bloated.  That in-between stage is odd and uncomfortable.  I do not feel confident in any of my clothing right now, and I am ready for the actual bump to make its appearance.  C'mon bump!
    While we were at Target, I also purchased a belly band.  This is a stretchy piece of fabric in a band shape that you slip over your head.  You can wear your pre-pregnancy pants unbuttoned and it helps to hold them up.  Some moms have referred to it as a "must have", while others have said that they do not care for it.  Other tips that I received include shopping the clearance rack at Motherhood (pricey!), and saving those 30% off Kohls coupons.  I also heard that Old Navy and Target have a better selection online... so one Mom suggested trying some stuff on at the store in person, but then order the sizes you need online for more options.  Other moms suggested going to a second-hand maternity clothing store to save some cash.    
    So many people have been very helpful!  I appreciate their willingness to share their experience and suggestions.  There is so much you don't think of through this process.  It is much more than figuring out what color to paint the baby's room and what kind of diapers to purchase.  We still have a lot to figure out and to learn, but it is an exciting journey!      

Friday, May 25, 2012

First Mother's Day

      It seems unreal to say... but today is my first Mother's Day!  The first of many more and I am very excited!  I enjoyed receiving text messages and calls from various people wishing me a Happy Mother's Day.  My Mother-in-law Marilyn was sweet enough to send me a card.  And my parents were awesome enough to purchase me a prenatal massage for my first Mother's Day.  I am super, super excited about that!  And it is funny, because I was just telling Kenny today that I would like a prenatal massage for our anniversary.
      This weekend was extremely busy.  I took the weekend off so that my Mom and I could travel to Columbus, Ohio to celebrate a family member's 50th wedding anniversary.  My Grandma asked me to play "photographer" this weekend, and my mom assisted with the decorations and food set-up.  While it was nice to see family from various states and to help Oscar and Rosie celebrate, it was quite an exhausting weekend for us.  The drive alone made us tired (about 3.5 hours), but we really did work hard on Saturday.  I actually found myself feeling a bit dehydrated by the end of the afternoon on Saturday and I told my mom that I needed to sit down in the A/C and drink some cold water.  I drank about 3 bottles of water in a row trying to rehydrate.  Gotta be careful about that and listen to my body!

Catholic church in Ohio

Oscar and Rosie


Cake in the face!


They had so much fun!

       But before we left for Columbus on Friday afternoon, my Mom and I stopped at Community North Hospital to meet Miss Adalyn Naoma Nelson.  Adalyn is Kenny and I's newest "niece"...the brand new daughter of our closest friends Brent and Ashley.   She was just born on Friday morning (May 11th) at 8:19am, and boy is she a keeper.  I held her for about 45 minutes, and my Mom had to keep saying "Okay Amanda, you have to put her down.  We need to get on the road."  I am sure that being pregnant makes holding her that much more special, but she is just so pretty.  I kept joking and telling Ashley that I was going to sneak her out and keep her.  
I love holding this precious girl.

        Aside from it being Mother's Day, I am about one-third of the way finished with my pregnancy.  As of yesterday, (Saturday, May 12th) I am 12 weeks along.  I cannot believe it.  How can I already be that far along?  I do not feel like I look pregnant yet, I honestly just feel bloated and fat.  We ran into a family friend yesterday and she is only 3 weeks ahead of me, and you can definitely tell she is pregnant.  I just want to have that official bump like her so I don't feel like people are thinking "Wow, she gained more weight."  It is not a good feeling.  And with all of my clothes feeling more snug, I am happy that Ashley offered to let me have some of her maternity clothes.  That is definitely a great offer because I have been searching on websites looking at maternity clothes, and you can spend a small fortune on that alone!  Who knows how long I can even wear those items before I need more.
      Overall it was a nice first Mother's Day.  Kenny and I went to Flap Jacks for breakfast and then I surprised my Mom with her favorite ice cream: Orange Leaf.  Mom and I drove to Metropolis Mall and looked around at Coldwater Creek and the Loft to find her some new clothes as a gift.  This afternoon Kenny and I went to his Aunt Connie's house to visit with the Gaddis family.  There we got to meet 1 week old Matthew...adorable!  Congrats Jessie and Matt!  And then we ended the day by driving back up north to the hospital to visit with Brent, Ashley and Adalyn. Adalyn is such a snuggler.  I held her against my chest for probably 30 minutes, and I changed her diaper and put her in her pjs.  She is so tiny that it was not easy, but I guess that is something that I will become more comfortable with.  Kenny held Adalyn for awhile too, and he was comfortable with her.  It's hard to believe that we will be holding our own in just 6 months.
     The best thing I can have for Mother's Day is knowing that my baby is healthy.  Other than the tiredness and fatigue, I have still felt just fine (thank you, Lord).  No morning sickness, and no nausea since about 6 weeks.  I keep watching the calendar because my next check up is on May 23rd (right around the corner) and then just a month later we will have our gender ultrasound.  If you haven't heard, we are not going to find out the sex in June during the ultrasound.  We are going to wait until July 1st when we will have a gender reveal party and find out at the same time as our family and friends.  Cannot wait!  I have already been purchasing decorations and planning the menu!  I love party planning!
    I have not posted a photo since the 8 week picture.  I am beginning to see a little bump.  You might not be able to tell, but I can.  Here it is!

12 Weeks

12 Weeks...see the little bump?

Maya wanted in the photo :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Venting About The Early Questions

       Don't get me wrong, I love talking about my pregnancy.  It's fun to share the details.  There are just some questions that we have to laugh or shake our head about.  And after reading some of the pregnancy forum posts...many, many pregnant women feel the same.  I decided to document some of the questions that I/we hear.  I'm sure my fellow Moms can relate. :)    

1) "Are you happy about it?"
       Really? Do you expect me to say no? Of course we're happy. This is a blessing that we've been looking forward to.

2) "Are you sure you're ready? You're so young."
      First, I will be almost 26 when I deliver and my mom had me at 21...last time I checked the most popular show on MTV is 16 and Pregnant. Second, I learned about contraceptives many years ago. Pretty sure I wouldn't have let it happen yet if I wasn't prepared. We have great jobs, support and are financially stable.

3) "But you're still in school, aren't you?" Or "So are you finishing your Master's now?"
     When the baby is born I will technically only have one class left. Trust me, we thought this through. Sure, it won't be a cake walk. But thankfully we have a ridiculous amount of support and I've always been the type to handle a lot on my plate. No one is asking about Kenny still being in school. Yes, I'm finishing my Masters degree. This doesnt change my goals.

4) "You're still doing Zumba?"
          My doctor actually recommended I continue my work out routine as long as I don't exceed my heart rate range. She also said I need to work out at least 3 times per week. It helps baby and I both to stay healthy, is proven to help with delivery and will help me to control unnecessary baby weight.

5) "Are you sure you should eat/drink that?"
       You think I don't know I need a well balanced diet? Doc told me what I should avoid, and what is allowed. And yes, caffeine is allowed in moderation too.

6) "You know you won't want to work after you have the baby, right?"
     I'm a workaholic with very specific goals. I know the baby becomes priority...I know I probably won't want to leave him/her each day. It's part of life though. I've never seen myself as the stay at home mom type. And work is part of providing a great life for our child. Maybe you didn't want to, but you don't know that I won't want to either.

7) "You don't realize how difficult this is going to be, do you?"
       Billions have been first time parents before us. Do we feel as if we know it all? Of course not. But we are going to figure it out as we go along, just as everyone else does. It makes me feel like we are being looked down upon when people talk like this. Are they trying to talk us out of it or what? Too late for that.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

First Trimester Cravings

     So far I am not having any super odd cravings.  I am definitely having them though.  I will never forget working my first job at Chick-Fil-A at the young age of 15 and taking a man's order at the counter.  He said, "I need a number one (chicken sandwich meal), but please NO pickle.  And can you make sure that the sandwich has not even touched pickle?"  I replied, "Okay, is there an allergy we should be aware of?"  And he said, "No. It is for my pregnant wife, and the mere smell of pickle makes her  throw up.  But she keeps craving your sandwiches."  I never forgot taking his order even though it was over 10 years ago, and since that moment I always wondered what kind of cravings I would experience myself.
    Over the past few weeks I have learned that aside from being sleepy a lot, the most difficult part of my pregnancy has been making healthier choices when I eat.  Sure, it seems simple.  But as a retail sales manager putting in long hours and coming home to hours of homework, many times it is much more simple to go through a drive thru or to order a pizza.  Eating for two now, that is not ideal.  Have I entirely avoided fast food?  No, not at all.  But when given the option I am choosing the side salad over the fries, and the grilled over the fried (most of the time).  
     A change that I thought would be extremely difficult, but has not been quite so bad is giving up caffeine.  I have had a close relationship with coke.  I get excited about Cherry Coke especially, as well as a caramel frappicino from Starbucks.  Since I found out about 4 weeks ago I have honestly only had 1 drink with caffeine and I only drank half of it (a medium).  I really did not enjoy it that much, so I think my taste for it has changed.  Because I am weird about "public water" (that is what I call water they serve as restaurants) I generally take a bottle of water with me or order Sprite or fruit punch when we go out to eat.  Sure, they contain sugar but I figure that option occasionally is much better than the large coke full of caffeine that I would have ordered in the past.
     I do have cravings for vegetables.  Brocolli and green beans sounds better to me than a Ruth's Chris steak right now.  Kenny has been eating grilled chicken with some sort of green vegetable almost every night, and I have been inhaling the leftovers of the vegetable he makes.  Odd I know, but I guess Baby G wants those nutrients... which is good!  I find it interesting that I love Reeses cups and when I was given some for Easter they sounded disgusting.  And while I have always liked grapefruit juice, it has become one of my number one cravings.  Grapefruit juice???  I literally drank one jug of it within about three days.  I did notice all of the acid was bothering my stomach so I have stopped drinking it as much.  
     Something else that I think is odd is that I usually love all ice cream... especially Orange Leaf frozen yogurt and Coldstone Creamery.  I am not saying that I would not eat it if it were given to me, but Orange Leaf doesn't sound very good and Coldstone sounds amazing.  My favorite is the Founder's Favorite with Cake Batter ice cream, add peanut butter (hint, hint).  Kenny has stopped on his way home from work and brought me some while I was working.  Very sweet of him!  And maybe Baby G is going to own a winery one day because the only thing I have had a craving for that I cannot have is a good glass of Reisling.  Don't worry... I won't be acting on that craving when it comes around.  Oh and, below you will see a photo of the addicting bread sticks at Kilroy's in Downtown Indianapolis.  Kenny and I went downtown for the day last Saturday so I could get some, haha.  
     My overall favorite meal right now is from Panera Bread.  I absolutely love the brocolli cheddar soup in a bread bowl, either the greek salad or asian sesame salad.  I have to have chips and the raspberry tea with it.  Soup in general is the best to me right now.  The other day I was having one of my "I gotta have it now" brocolli cheddar soup cravings and I convinced Kenny to take me.  I waited for him to get home from work, we drive to the one at Metropolis mall and I wait in line to order.  I anxiously order my soup with a smile on my face and the cashier replies, "We are out of brocolli cheddar soup today."  She broke my heart with those 8 can Panera be out of brocolli cheddar soup?!  The raging hormones made me want to cry and yell at the same time, but I took a deep breath and kindly ordered the chicken tortilla soup instead.  She is lucky that I had a good day. :)  Just kidding.  No raging hormones here...yet. Haha. I will update about my cravings as time goes on.

Founder's Favorite from Coldstone Creamery

Bread sticks at Kilroy's Downtown Indianapolis
My FAVORITE meal right now.  Brocolli Cheddar soup from Panera!

I could not decide between the two :)
Saigon Chicken Pho (amazing Vietnamese soup)


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Announcement Photo Taken 04.25

     Initially, we were going to wait until after my 12 week appointment to make the announcement.  But Doctor Mazdai said that the chance of a miscarriage after hearing the heart beat goes down to 5% and she thinks that it is okay to tell everyone at 10 weeks.  This Saturday (April 28th) I will be 10 weeks, but I want to tell my boss before we begin spreading the news.  I have a good relationship with my boss, and the last thing that I want to do is have him find out through the grapevine and wonder if it is true, or why I did not tell him myself.  When I see him next week, I plan on having a chat with him about it and then spreading the word.  The only issue there is, I am not sure the next time I will see him face-to-face...especially without a lot of other people around. 
    Yesterday, my good friend Ashley who is a photographer (Ashley Nelson Photography) stopped by to take our announcement photo.  She is very close to having a baby herself, so it was super nice that she took the time to stop by our house (poor thing is at the miserable stage).  I cleaned up the kitchen, bought a bag of buns and used puffy paint to write " Mommy" and "Daddy" on chef aprons.  I put a hamburger bun on a cookie sheet, and she captured a shot of Kenny and I knelt down and putting the bun in the oven.  She got a nice shot!  Now, with her still busy working I just have to hope that she gets the photo uploaded before she goes into labor.  Otherwise, it won't be going out for a little longer. 
    We plan on sending the announcement out to about 50-100 of our family and friends.  Even to the ones who know the news... we figure it will be a nice photo for them to keep.  And, now that we have the gender ultrasound scheduled I am already planning the Gender Reveal Party.  Time is flying so far.  I cannot believe I am 10 weeks already.  It seems like yesterday we found out the exciting news ourselves!

The "Mommy" Apron

   Ashley did such a great job with the photo!  She has been great to our family with our various life events.  If you need anything in regards to photography I definitely suggest her!  She is located on the Westside of Indianapolis and does everything from family, to weddings, to engagements and Senior photos.  She took our engagement photos, some wedding photos, photographed my Grandma's retirement party and my parent's 25th wedding anniversary celebration.  I sure that I am forgetting something.  Thanks for being so amazing, Ashley! 
      Below is the announcement photo.  Initially Ashley and I were going to try to find a street sign that said, "Bump Ahead" to take the photo with.  But, we could not find one any where!  Everything that I found just said "Bump" or "Caution Bump".  I did not think that those would be appropriate.  So, I thought about it for awhile and I came up with the bun in the oven idea.  I am very happy with how they turned out!  30 weeks to go (and still no morning sickness...YAY!). 

Monday, May 14, 2012

First Ultrasound 4/20/12

   Yesterday (Friday, April 20th) I went in to get my first ultrasound.  I was so excited that I counted down the days leading up, and since my appointment was not until 2:30pm, the day moved quite slow.   It was my first day of vacation to study for my final exams and I met my Grandma Vatter for Gray Brother's (YUM).  Kenny and my Mom met me at the doctor's office to see the ultrasound.  I took a bit longer to decide on a physician, so they had to schedule my first ultrasound and doctor's visit separately.  I will not see Doctor Mazdai until Monday.
    I felt slightly nervous.  For one, although I Googled what to expect during my first ultrasound, spoke with a close friend and I read about it in my What To Expect When Expecting book...I did not truly know what to expect.  Second, although I know I had multiple positive pregnancy tests and I am still having some symptoms I felt I needed to hear the heart beat and see it for myself to believe it.   Knowing a person is growing inside of you is a bit difficult to wrap your head around.  I was ready for some additional confirmation.  I am going to go into detail for those who want it... I know that a couple of years ago I followed a blog of a mom-to-be and I really appreciated hearing about the small things so I would know what to expect.  So for those who don't want to hear all of the details, I understand.  Some do want all of them though, so this is for you. 
     With my notebook with questions in hand, we walked into the office for the first time.  I signed in and they gave me about 10 pieces of paper to fill out and sign.  This packet of papers included an area to fill in my medical history, Kenny's medical history and our family's medical history.  It took me about 7 minutes to fill everything in and I sat on the edge of the waiting room seat as I waited for them to call my name.  I had a lot going through my head... "What will we be able to see? How big is the baby now?  How far along am I?  Can we hear a heart beat?  Will there be a heart beat at all?"  My mind was racing a bit.
    After waiting a few more minutes, we were called back to a room for my ultrasound.  Brandy, the ultrasound tech, greeted us and told Kenny and my mom they could sit down.  I saw a patient chair with stir-ups, a large computer and a big television on the wall.  Brandy said, "Okay Amanda, you are going to have a vaginal ultrasound.  Step into that bathroom right there and take everything off below the belt.  Wrap this around yourself before you come out,"  She handed me what looked like a napkin the size of a beach towel.  I actually ripped it a little bit just trying to wrap it around myself because it was so thin.  
      You would think that the moments to follow would have been very awkward, but honestly everything happened so quickly (and for future mothers... it was painless).  Within seconds she had a visual of our baby up on that large television screen.  I could not believe it.  I was speechless.  That was MY baby before my eyes!  That little thing on the screen with a head, arms and legs is mine!  Brandy said that everything looks great and that the baby's heart rate is 180.  She then pointed out that you can see where the umbilical cord is, the eyes, nose and ears. For something as small as a kidney bean, I could not believe the detail already.  Truly amazing.  
All of the photos :)

Side view... you can see all the detail!
      Brandy printed off some photos for us to take home with us and informed me that I was between 8 weeks and 3 days, or 8 weeks and 6 days...due date is between November 24th and 27th.  She said that Dr. Mazdai would decide which date they would use.  It is so nice to have a better idea now!  And I cannot wait until my appointment on Monday so that I can find out the exact date that will be used.  
Kenny looking up close at Baby G

      We were sent into a different room where I met with a nurse who asked me various questions.  She asked everything from is this your first pregnancy, to all sorts of questions about medical history.  The last thing that I had to do was get my blood drawn and urinate in a cup for them.  Pretty simple appointment, and we were all on a high from seeing the baby.  I took photos of the photos and text messaged them to my Dad.  He loved seeing them.  I also forwarded the pics on to Brent and Ashley. 
      With a date pretty well nailed down, I could not wait to get home to take my 8 week photo.  The first of many more!  I put on my new shirt that I ordered on Etsy and had Kenny snap some photos.  I also took some photos with my DSLR of the ultrasound photos.  My Grandma Vatter was so excited that she drove over that evening to see the photos.  And I must share, that Kenny decided that the baby looks like a Sour Patch Kid right now.  He is such a goof.  And there is a little irony there... because remember we told our parents that I am pregnant with small Easter baskets that included Sour Patch Kids?  Oh and we didn't think about it until later, but there is only one in there for anyone that may have been wondering.  I wouldn't mind twins...would love them actually...but Kenny, he would prefer to start with one haha!  SO glad to know that our baby is healthy and growing just as he/she should be.  Thank you, Lord! :-)

The little Sour Patch Kid next to Sour Patch Kids :)

8 Week Photo
8 Week the new shirt???

6-ish Weeks

      I don't like not knowing for sure how far along I am.  I mean,  I know I should be around 6 weeks...but the last phone call I received from the doctor about my blood test said that they were not sure how far along, but that it is not as far along as they originally thought.  My mom and I went to visit Hendricks Regional Health and IU West so I could decide on my physician.  I have heard good things about the physicians at both hospitals, but I did feel partial to Dr. Mazdai at Hendricks because she is a female doctor.  Other than going to an immediate care clinic and seeing a male there, I have always seen a female doctor, so it is what I am comfortable with.  
     We visited Hendricks first and their Labor and Delivery area feels a bit smaller and cozy.  Jody, the nurse that provided our tour, was very nice and answered our questions well.  She mentioned that she heard some negative things about the doctor that I was referred to at IU West, but she was professional in the manner that she said it.  I did not feel as if she was bashing them in any way.  She even said, "If you do choose IU West, I would consider a different physician."  
       IU West is a newer hospital and the rooms look more like hotel rooms.  Their rooms are larger and seem to be more comfortable.  We did receive a bad first impression because when we arrived they kept sending us to different levels of Labor and Delivery.  First, when we went to the desk of the 1st one was there.  We went to the 2nd floor and they sent us to the 3rd floor.  The 3rd floor sent us back to the 1st floor.  Our tour was supposed to begin at 6:30pm and finally at 6:45pm I went back to the 2nd floor to let them know what was going on.  Finally, they got the tour started.  There were 2 different couples that were also on our tour, which made me more hesitant to ask certain questions.  I liked how we received individual attention on our Hendricks tour.  
       I was feeling super confused though, because I heard great things about both hospitals.  And with the rooms being so comfy at IU West, I went back and forth on my decision.  As we were leaving IU West, a group of nurses shared who their obgyn is and they all use the physician that my doctor suggested there.  I had to do a pros/cons list in my head....

IU West Pros: Newer facility, highly recognized physicians, closer to my work for afternoon appointments, comfy rooms.

Hendricks Pros: Great experience when calling in and on tour, Smaller facility (in a good way), Female physician, closer to where we are going to build our next home, they will watch your baby if you need to take a shower or have a moment to yourself, offers a great list of classes for pre and post delivery, my mom delivered me there so it is already special to us.

IU West Cons: The nurse at Hendricks explained that she has heard multiple bad reviews, the hospital is further away from our future home, we did not have a good experience when we called in to obtain info about the tour and then had a bad experience when we went in for the tour, they explained that they do not have a nursery and you want to make sure that you have someone present to watch the baby when you shower or use the bathroom because a nurse won't always be available to do so.  

Hendricks Cons: More dated facility, smaller rooms, further from my work for afternoon appointments.

      You can see that my list of pros for Hendricks is longer, and my list of cons for IU West is longer.  Now, I am no expert.... my goal is not to discourage anyone from going with IU West.  I have no issue with IU West.  They have a beautiful facility and a lot of highly recommended physicians.  This is just my personal opinion and I feel that Hendricks has a little bit of an edge, at least for us.  So, I am excited to say that I finally have my first official ultrasound scheduled for Friday, April 20th.  Since my appointment was made so late, I will return on Monday the 23rd to meet with Dr. Mazdai. 
      I am praying that everything is developing okay in my belly.  I am trying my best to eat healthy, continue my workout routine (but a bit lighter) and get enough rest.  Unfortunately, my work situation is preventing me from staying stress-free, but I promise I am trying to take it easy.  It is difficult right now, because no one at work knows.  I have to pretend as if I feel fine and as if I can do things as usual.  Just a couple of weeks ago, we were doing a merchandising changeout and I had to get on top of a chair to work on something.  I probably shouldn't have, but I could not tell my rep that I couldn't.  
     And for the most part, I feel the same.  Extremely fatigued and sore breasts.  As of yesterday (4/6) I started feeling little signs of nausea.  I keep telling myself that it is not happening... I take a deep breath and hope it goes away.  Just this morning I was having breakfast with my friend from work, and she noticed me taking deep breaths.  She said, "Is the food spicy?  I notice you breathing in and out."  Honestly, I was just taking the deep breaths in hopes that the nausea would go away.  I am hoping that it stays away... no time for nausea, not at all.  6-ish weeks down, 34-ish to go.  

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Special Easter Baskets

      As much as we wanted to call our closest family and friends as soon as we had confirmation from my blood test, we really wanted to tell everyone in person.  It was important to us to see their reactions, and I wanted to tell everyone in a unique way.  Also, telling them in person allowed me to capture their reactions with my camera.  I cannot wait to put a video together once we have the reactions from more people captured.  
      My Dad has been working out of town and then going to the cabin on the weekends, so I thought that we would not be able to tell them until Sunday night (March 25th).  I really did not want to wait that long.  I even considered driving out to the cabin late Saturday night to make sure that they could hear together.  But thankfully, my Dad reached out to me on Tuesday afternoon to say that he would be coming back into town.  He invited us to go to dinner and we decided to meet at El Meson.  It was perfect timing!  Just hours prior we found out that I am pregnant for sure, and we could not wait to share that joy with someone.  When I ended my shift I ran over to Target to find some baby themed candy to stick with the Easter basket surprises.  I found Sugar Babies, Sour Patch Kids, Baby Ruths, candy bottles and candy rattles.  I filled each basket with candy and plastic eggs.  

        When we arrived at El Meson I stretched the truth and told my parents that the basket is for our waiter to take home to his daughter (we have the same waiter each time).  We conversed about how our week was going, and ordered our food.  After placing our order I secretly turned my camera on under the table and pulled out the basket.  I said, "Just kidding, this is a little early Easter present for you guys."  After looking at the candy it did not take them long to figure it out.  Mom did not seem as surprised, but I know she was super excited.  Dad's reaction is my absolute favorite.  You seriously would have thought that we just said, "You are the winner of 50 million dollars."  I am pretty sure that he would have reacted the same way.  I will never forget the look on his face... I will never forget the large smiles on both of their faces, stretching from cheek to cheek.  They are absolutely ecstatic, and I know that they will make the best Grandparents.
The happy Grandparents-to-be
         Telling Kenny's mom Marilyn was a lot of fun too.  We told her that we were going to stop by her house.  When we got there I handed her the basket and she did not get it at first.  I said,  "I heard that you had a rough day so we brought you a surprise."  She said, "Aw, that was nice of you guys" as she smiled. Then we asked if she likes that kind of candy.  She started saying, "Mmm Sour Patch Kids, Sugar Babies... wait... are you trying to tell me something?" as she had the candy rattle in hand.  When we shook our heads yes she leaped out of her living room recliner and started hugging us.  After having knee surgery in the past we could not believe how much she jumped.  It was awesome.  
Kenny's Mom Marilyn smiling from ear-to-ear
Marilyn insisted she take a photo of us :)
    I don't know who acted more excited... my Dad or Marilyn.  Oh and, Kenny told his Dad over the phone because he could not wait to tell him in person.  His Dad was at work at the time and yelled across the shop, "I AM GOING TO BE A GRANDPA!" haha!  I posted links below so you can see the reactions that we captured.  I am very glad that we captured these!

  • Click here for my parent's reaction
  • Click here for Marilyn's reaction
  • Click here for our closest friend's Brent and Ashley's reaction

    Stay tuned to read about how I was feeling at 6 weeks and the details of my Mom and I visiting IU West and Hendricks.  For those future Moms, you may appreciate my honest comparison. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Spring Surprise

        Kenny and I decided many months ago that 2012 is the year for us to focus on a future little Gaddis. We initially began trying at the end of December 2011 and received multiple negative tests over the next couple of months.  Knowing that most couples take an average of  8-12 months before they are able to conceive, and also the fact that I am under a lot of stress between work and school; we decided to stop "trying" and to just put it into God's hands.  It is funny how when we let go, He works things out.
       The week of March 11th I began having these random dizzy spells.  Dizziness had never been an issue before, and after it happened 3 different times I told Kenny I was a bit worried.  He said I probably stood up too quickly, but it would happen when I was already standing or when I was sitting.  The next symptom that came on (but I still was not aware) was that I felt very tired and fatigued.  As a person that is constantly on the go, I usually have a ton of energy and while I may become tired this feeling was overwhelming as if I did not go to sleep.  I noticed it strongest on Saturday, March 18th after we had just gone to dinner with some close friends at Harry and Izzy's the night before where I had an adult beverage with dinner.  I assumed that the alcohol made me feel  more tired on Saturday.  We had actually planned to go out with friends for St. Patricks Day too, and we decided to stay in.
      When the tiredness did not go away over the next couple of days, I began wondering.  I started Google-ing pregnancy symptoms and analyzing everything that I was feeling.  I was not nauseous, I had not become sick and my breasts were not even sore.  What I did know is that my "Aunt" usually visits on the 18th, and she did not show up.  Since there were less days in February and I did not want to waste a pregnancy test, Kenny and I decided that I would not take a test until Wednesday the 21st if my "Aunt" did not pay me a visit.
     On Tuesday the 20th I came home from work to focus on homework while Kenny was at his Aunt Bonnie's house with family.  As I tried working on my assignment, I could not focus because I kept wondering.  I put my lap top down and decided to take a test.  After waiting the 2 minutes I looked and for the first time ever, there was a plus sign there but the second line was extremely faint.  I began wondering if I did something wrong because I expected a distinct line.  I re-read the instructions and it mentioned that you may receive a faint line, but a plus sign at all means positive.  Then I started Google-ing "pregnancy test faint line" and multiple others expressed receiving the same result...I even found a website where women post pictures of their test and others vote whether or not they think it is pregnant (silly).  Multiple other posts discussed that it could also be an "evaporation line" and they said not to get too excited until you know for sure.
     I decided to take a second test, and that time the results were identical.  I felt about 90% sure that I was... but I could not stop wondering if it was an evaporation line.  I even opened the third test in the box to see if there is already a faint line or if it was white.  It is white as snow, and I knew I had never had any indication of a plus sign in the past.  I was excited enough that I ran down the road to Kroger to purchase some more prenatal vitamins (my doctor has had me on them for months in preparation).  While I was there I purchased a little Easter basket with plastic eggs and Baby Ruths candy bars.   I placed everything in the basket, and placed the two faint positive tests at the bottom underneath everything.
Kenny's special Easter basket... after I ate the Baby Ruths lol

     Kenny came home from his Aunt's house around 8:30pm.  He was tired after a long day at work.  He kicked his shoes off and went to sit down on the couch.  He looked over and said, "What's with the basket?"  I said, "It's for you.  Come over here so you can see what is in there."   I shuffled to get my video camera ready and he looked suspicious.  He looked in the basket and said, "Baby Ruths?"  in a confused tone because he is not a big fan of those.  I said, "What else is in there?"  Then he saw the tests at the bottom, he pulled them out and said, "Amanda, these are negative.  I don't understand."  Click here to see the YouTube video of his reaction...I became a bit frustrated with him because he could not see the second line. I explained to him that I was 90% sure... that a faint positive, is a positive.  He was excited, but also curious about the evaporation line that I read about.  We both decided that I should take another test in the morning since that is when you receive the most accurate results.

     Kenny's alarm went off pretty early, and I tried to sleep a bit longer.  The thought of taking the third test overwhelmed my thoughts and I followed him down the stairs.  I grabbed the test from under the downstairs bathroom sink and quickly walked back upstairs to our second bathroom.  I took the test, and went to lay out my clothes while I waited the two minutes.  Those two minutes feel like forever when you want to know.  I anxiously watched the time on my phone to decide when to go back to check.  I slowly walk in, feeling a bit nervous to look due to the chance of it being negative.  The plus sign was very distinct and bright blue!  I grabbed it and quickly ran down the stairs to show Kenny.  He hugged me in excitement, and we were both trying to take it all in.
First distinct + sign!

The 3 tests together (see you can barely see the second line on the 2 on top)
     I called the doctor's office right away to see if I could get in for a blood test.  Unfortunately on that Wednesday it was my doctor's (Monica) day off.  I had to arrange my work schedule so they could squeeze me in on Thursday.  It was so hard not to call my Mom and Dad right away... but I wanted confirmation from the doctor first.  Wednesday and Thursday went by so slow waiting to go to my appointment, and even the time in the waiting room felt as if it was in slow motion.  The nurse informed me that since I already had 3 at home tests they were not going to have me take another, they were going to take my blood.  She informed me that I would know in a few minutes, and that they would also be sending the test off to determine how far along I am if it is positive.  The nurse placed a bandaid on my arm and told me to wait for the doctor as she walked out of the room.
     That 5 minutes felt like for-ev-er.  I kept playing with my phone...looking at Facebook, refreshing, texting Kenny, refreshing Facebook again and trying not to think about it for a moment.  Kenny jokingly texted me, "Tell them to hurry up!"  Monica walked into the door excitedly saying, "Congratulations!!!" and she hugged me.  I was very happy and excited to call Kenny to let him know.  But, I had to wait a few more minutes while she did a quick check-up on me and as she checked my throat, nose, ears and had me take a couple of deep breaths for her; she answered some of my questions. She told me that I could not take any medication, unless it is one Tylenol...and that is if I absolutely must.  She also told me that I can pretty much eat anything, but to stay away from items that are raw and to cut back to one caffienated drink per a day.  Of course she said the usual such as no drinking or smoking, and she assured me that the drink that I had on the 17th did not hurt the baby.
Blood test from the Doctor's office

All of the tests together

     She pulled out her miniature handheld calendar and said that based on my last cycle I am most likely 4 weeks along, that I should tell others outside of my inner circle sometime in May, that we will probably learn the sex around July 4th and my due date is around November 24th.  It is a very exciting, but also an overwhelming feeling.  You know that your life is going to change so much for the better.  It is so weird for me to know that I have a human being growing in my stomach.  How is that possible?  It is amazing. I wanted to call everyone I know and update my Facebook status right away to tell the world, but I knew that I have to wait for a couple of months to make sure everything is okay.
    God is so good.  I know that he already had this planned out.  Even though I feel so exhausted on top of my 55+ hour work weeks and taking my Graduate courses right now, I know that He is creating a very special person inside of me.  I am trying my best to go to bed early, stay in bed as late as possible and eat very healthy.  My retail hours that have sent me running for fast food, drinking venti Starbucks drinks and a glass of wine to relax are gone for awhile.  But I am perfectly okay with that. 8 months seems like forever away... but I am sure it will fly by.  Thank you for this gift Lord!  Keep following to hear about the reactions from our closest family and friends.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Disney January 2012: Day #6

    On Day #6 we return to MK (Magic Kingdom) to do our favorites for the second time, and enjoy some more restaurants.  We rolled out of bed early and headed to Main Street to use some Snack Credits at the bakery.  Kenny and I decided to share a cinnamon roll, a cheese danish and a bottle of water.  Whatever you do, if you are on the Dining not waste your snack credits on drinks and chips your entire trip.  Pack some breakfast bars and maybe even some bottled water, and use your snack credits for breakfast items and fun stuff like ice cream bars and dessert items at Epcot.  
   We headed over to Peter Pan's Flight for a Fastpass since we weren't willing to wait the 40 minutes for it.  The coolest thing happened... when Kenny went to get our Fastpasses, we got a surprise Fastpass for Mickey's Philharmagic!  Isn't that awesome??? I did not even know it was possible to receive a surprise Fastpass!  Love it!

Surprise Fastpass!

       With Fastpasses in hand, we chose to eat at Cosmic Ray's for lunch for the second time during our trip.  I enjoyed a Pork Barbecue sandwich and Kenny had a cheeseburger.  And when we finished lunch we walked over to Space Mountain, the Tommorowland Transit Authority (TTA) Peoplemover and the Buzz Lightyear attraction.  When it was time to use our Fastpass we headed over to do Peter Pan's Flight and Mickey's Philarmagic.  Feeling tired from lunch, we headed back to the resort for a break.  Since we had not made it out to try out the beautiful resort pool we changed into our suits and enjoyed the water.  Disney pools are heated and aren't lacking at all.  And thanks to the low crowds we were able to float and really enjoy it.   

Space Mountain 
Splash Mountain

The Haunted Mansion
      I was on a mission to take some good photos of the construction happening in (the former) Toon Town where the Be Our Guest restaurant and Beasts Castle are going.  I climbed back up onto a park bench and took out my camera.  I tried to hurry because I did not want a park Cast Member to ask me to get down.  It looks like everything is really coming along.  And I cannot wait to see it all complete.  I am still trying to figure out if you can go inside the smaller Castle, or if it is just part of the landscape.  I guess we will have to wait and see!  Check it out (I made these extra large for you)!

Check out that Castle back there! 
Another look

View of the other side

    Dinner took place at a restaurant we have been to before: Liberty Tree Tavern at MK.  The last time we ate here it was a Character dining experience, and because they took the characters away we have passed up this place on out last couple of trips.  But, we enjoyed the food when we went so we decided to return.  This place it like Cracker Barrel...but the food is even better, and it is all-you-can-eat.  It needs to be placed into our favorites list, because the food is so good that the characters are not missed at all.  We would argue that it has the best food at MK...make sure you try it!

Bread and Salad at Liberty Tree Tavern

"Thanksgiving Spread" at Liberty Tree Tavern

Birthday Dessert 

Apple Cake

      I always hate saying "goodbye" to my Castle.  Cinderella's Castle is Disney to me.  It made it easier that we still had another full day at Epcot.  Enjoy some photos that I took just playing with my camera on Main Street.  Back to Epcot for Day #7.