Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Phantom Expense

     After squeezing into my pants for the past couple of weeks, I finally broke down and purchased a pair of black maternity pants for work.  By the end of my work day I just feel like unbuttoning my pants, but I cannot exactly do that at work.  I have been reaching out to friends that are moms to find out where they purchased their maternity wear.  Since the retailers know that these clothes are a necessity for moms-to-be, they aren't afraid to charge an arm and a leg.  Kenny and I drove to Target last night and I found some black pants for $35.  $35 is not that bad, but I think that is just a little high for Target.  When you're planning your baby budget, clothing for yourself is not one of the first things to come to mind.  This is why I am calling the mother's clothing a "Phantom Expense".
     I am almost 13 weeks now, so I guess it is time to start building my maternity wear collection.  From everything I read, this is about the time that a bump begins to show.  I see a bit of one, but to be honest I also just feel fat and bloated.  That in-between stage is odd and uncomfortable.  I do not feel confident in any of my clothing right now, and I am ready for the actual bump to make its appearance.  C'mon bump!
    While we were at Target, I also purchased a belly band.  This is a stretchy piece of fabric in a band shape that you slip over your head.  You can wear your pre-pregnancy pants unbuttoned and it helps to hold them up.  Some moms have referred to it as a "must have", while others have said that they do not care for it.  Other tips that I received include shopping the clearance rack at Motherhood (pricey!), and saving those 30% off Kohls coupons.  I also heard that Old Navy and Target have a better selection online... so one Mom suggested trying some stuff on at the store in person, but then order the sizes you need online for more options.  Other moms suggested going to a second-hand maternity clothing store to save some cash.    
    So many people have been very helpful!  I appreciate their willingness to share their experience and suggestions.  There is so much you don't think of through this process.  It is much more than figuring out what color to paint the baby's room and what kind of diapers to purchase.  We still have a lot to figure out and to learn, but it is an exciting journey!      

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